Painting idea that became a warm-up sketch. I cut it off at the face cause I messed up and I have other priorities 😅

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I've got at least 3 drawings of my own sona in here so you know where my priorities are at, baby

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Pearl has her breakfast priorities straight

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Social Medias in 2019! What a ride!
With apologies to tumblr , which I still love despite its priorities being... WEIRD 🤣🦊

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Yesterday I wrote up the second post for the NoGooD website about Machiko's design, specifically, some of her outfits!
If you don't have time, here is a summary of our priorities when coming up with something for her to wear:

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my priorities are 100% changing. all were going to the nordion siblings but my favorite lord micaiah *better* get first and the rest of my votes go to my girl

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The skulls of Winter Antiques (aka The Winter Show). I guess there was some American art there too. Priorities.

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That last episode guys.. I really love it! And I really love their new outfits and of course priorities first that I draw my favorite ship in their new outfits haha

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She's so important they got Ebata himself to draw a special illustration and then someone else to animate a pretty great commercial for a figure of her. Priorities. But seriously get her some pants.

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Day 859: Crystals! It was a long night, and yet again, I didn't spend enough time working on this. I can't really make an excuse, it just didn't work out. Hopefully before the weekend is over I can get back on track with these. I need to fix my priorities if I'm going to succeed!

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I should have done many things today,
but Tofu made his appearance at RE2 and I had to revise my priorities.
You can find it at TeePublic <3

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i could be doing homework but drawing kai was my number one priorities.

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most of mine from 2009 are like this

...priorities, I guess

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Hahaha priorities!! Think how many little Pokémon Go outings you can do together now 👌 You are so cute! I hope the move goes well 💖💖💖

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my priorities are NOT in order

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... b. What will you do to support these issues (calls, postcards, marches, etc.)?

🔎2. Identify why they matter.

What values and goals inform your priorities? Why do the issues above matter to you more than others?

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Top priorities for 2019: productivity, mindfulness, and creativity. We asked our team for their best advice on these topics and combined them all in a handy guide, just for you 🎊

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Setting priorities straight since day 1 ✊✨ happy new year!

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Happy New Year! I had a great 2018, thanks for being a part of it!! Onward and upward! I hope 2019 is full of hard work, meaning and good priorities.

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