Remember, you are swans, my dears...

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and the pleasure of celebrating this day rehearsing with great women and artists

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Time for a dance-off?

This groove to played on your X100 & X300 wireless speakers!

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【M3】大瀬良あいちゃんとの童話ユニット、あい*きょんの新作『The Shoes that were Danced to Pieces』の特設サイトを公開中! 是非チェックしてね♡

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We've danced the Sun
to rise & set
a thousand thousand years
cool green shade
sun's tender kiss
upon your human skin

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And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, they danced by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon...

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Less than a week to go...Yes or No!

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Dance like you never danced before ^__^

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this morning I danced around in my underwear listening to Beyonce and then drew it...

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131130 Osaka D2
YB: ur shoes seems such a Michael Jackson's! RI: pls dance!
then TOP danced Moonwalk

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【運営より】新情報です!本日GITADORAに収録された新曲「ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP」が10/9にDanceDanceRevolutionとjubeat saucerにも登場します!ゲームセンターでちくパ旋風が吹き荒れる!?

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Happy belated birthday ! We hope you danced around some handbags till dawn! x

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