I can't draw in a anime art style...
But I do hope you enjoy it!!
I'm very excited for the diamond and pearl remakes and Pokemon Legend Arceus!

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Happy Pokemond Day! I cant wait to have piplup as a starter again 😋💙 who did you pick in diamond/pearl?

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"SiNnOh ReMaKe BaD!1!1 ChIbIs RuInEd ThE gAmE!1!1! gAmE lOoKs LiKe MeGaMaN pOwErEd Up" -The community

Me: They look like these chibi Final Fantasy sprites but 3D modeled... and I love it!

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Happy 25 Anniversary to Pokemon! really excited to go on a journey with this cute little piplup again

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Happy !!! I’m really excited for Gen 4 Remakes and Legends! Here’s the starters from each of those titles!

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I am liking the art for and though, and I hope the games come closer to looking like its official art by release.

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Happy everyone. Yesterday we got the titanic announcements of and It's been twenty-five years of and the future looks amazing! Here's to another two decades!
(art: )

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happy !!
these are some of my favourite fan art pieces i’ve made of the franchise 💙

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I think ima have to go Chimchar, I always took piplup or turtwig back in the day 👀🤌. Comment your sinnoh remake starter and ill pass you a random code 👀🤌🤌💦

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25 years of Pokémon. Had a lot of fun drawing all the starters. Witch one is your favorite? I like Fennekin. Enjoy Pokémon day everyone.

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