Okey so the Pokemon direct today wasn't that exciting...but hear me out...
He has absolute husband energy and I want him NOW!!!

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here's from the latest !! I'm obsessed with him, such a good boy.

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He vuelto a casa para subiros este dibujito que hice por la tarde pero no me dió tiempo a pasar jeje 💕🥰

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Razones por las que fidough es una bolinha pese a que son de Portugal:

1. Pastel
2. Sale en la playa

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They do kinda have a sisterly look to both of them, queens of fashionable hairdos lol

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My fantasy final evo for Sprigatito. It's a saber toothed iberian lynx, with a carnation tail.

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Fan designs for the sprigatito line :D Sprigatito evolves into a Grass/Fighting type and is ready for battle 🍃🐱

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So uh. Decided to hop on the bandwagon, and the only logical conclusion I came up with was "Anthro Stoner Sprigatito". Because my mind's full of mushrooms.

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It's and we got to see the new generation 9 starters! So I had to do a quick drawing!

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Holy shit someone just leaked the evolutions of Quaxly!

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