"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." Ralph Waldo Emerson Drawings from: https://t.co/9W8ldePlZt - the drawing and describing game!

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"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." Leo Buscaglia Pics from: https://t.co/9W8ldePlZt

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We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives-

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"I wonder how many chameleons snuck onto the ark?" Drawings from: https://t.co/9W8ldePlZt Join the fun! - the drawing and describing game.

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I love seeing people walking their dogs around the city, though I imagine lots of gunk gets on their paws from the streets/sidewalks and ends up on their human's couches/beds.

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Following your heart IS the answer! https://t.co/4fWuIMxIsR We just have to listen—How our (cognitive) heart actually does our most reliable thinking

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“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
-The Little Prince, A. Saint-Exupéry (1943)
An adaptation of the book soon performed at the ! 💫
➡️Get tickets: https://t.co/F3mP29f6KT

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Anjelica Huston speaks the truth!

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Here are 5 key factors for painting convincing skies and clouds --> https://t.co/A7swuVYAyX

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Time for some about This blue planet is home to very fast winds, and is so large we nicknamed it an 'ice giant' ✨🔵✨

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Read a book, if not write one!

You can sign up and subscribe to read our books, if you write sign up as a vendor… https://t.co/3T2nnz3uEq

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Never flinch before the fire
Never fade before the flames

Art by Philip Tan

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“The sun will not rise or set without my notice and thanks.” - Winslow Homer https://t.co/TsSNEZp5hM

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