5th December 1917, Field of Reutel, Ypres Salient, Belgium.
ANZAC, 4th Company 1st Battalion Otago Infantry Regiment.

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revient dans le Journal pour de nouvelles aventures. Retrouvez-y aussi le Les et le dernier épisode du tome 11 de 😄

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this weekend! The 18th Battalion has mobilized, and Sailor Con Kitty is ready to ship out!
Go and have fun! Seriously! But also go and see my CK Pinup on the bomber backdrop! (and tell me how awesome it is because I live too far away to see for myself!)

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Watching "La Battaglia di Alamo" (The Alamo - Extended Cut video release) di John Wayne, con J.Wayne, R.Widmark, L.Harvey, 1960.

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Anna Pujol and Andrea Battaggia 17
Oil on canvas, 25cm x 31cm

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"The Black Watch"
13th (Royal Highlanders of Canada) Battalion CEF

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Andrea Battaggia and Beth Meadway (Ballet Cymru rehearsal 97)
Oil on panel, 23cm x 30cm

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📚Arte T1,Ohkubo
Ce qui saute aux yeux en 1er lieu est un graphisme époustouflant. Puis très vite on se prend d’affection pour Arte qui se montre forte, courageuse, battante, avant-gardiste mais tellement naïve. Un excellent premier tome qui m’incite à prendre la suite rapidement

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Even More 2018 Transformers Toy Listings – Bumblebee: The Movie, Cyber Battalion And More https://t.co/3IkGsDX8h7

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Quanti combattono per noi? Siamo un campo di battaglia, ogni giorno che viviamo...

Amaury Duvall - La Naissance de Venus, 1862

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Nn so..sarà l eta',ma quando vado nelle fumetterie faccio sempre piu caso al fatto che i libri di grandi autori come DINO BATTAGLIA sono messi "di taglio" mentre quelli di "autori" di ben altra caratura(mi trattengo)sono sbandierati a "tutta copertina"e allora soffro...sigh

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Envoûtante ! 😍#Shi inaugure une série tonitruante menée tambour battant ! En lice pour le : colère, vengeance, l'origine de tout. https://t.co/zUgRJTr7Ke

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