Rey and Ben deserve a better story.
They're a dyad in the force, two halves of a soul.
Don't leave Rey alone without her love ❤️

6 21

because we want to see more scenes like this one ! It was simply blowminding. Their duo is fantastic. They are always challenging and helping each other. I have never seen a fight like this one. 😍

37 100

Poe and Ben are sons of the Rebel Alliance heroes, one of whom was incredible pilot (Shara, Han). Their parents fought side by side for the Galaxy future.
And eventually one decided to save that his parents fought for, another one – to destroy it.

0 8

💕... I can show 💞 You 💞 the ways of the Force! 💜 💜 💜

4 29

Well, that's what happens when is on your mind and you listen to musicals.

2 12

I saw made this challenge and I was like "ohhh I made something about this last year!" And here we are again haha (without the good boi sweater tho since this is before TROS)

0 2

salvando a lo que ama, arriesgando su vida....por ella...

6 16

Because Leia longed to have a granddaughter ❤️

21 47

World Between Worlds is closer than we thought: according to Holocron Rey was going exactly in the middle of outline – to Exegol. Exegol is a Portal into WBW ❤️ Rey just need to go back and from here. , can you help the girl to rescue her prince?

23 73

I loved ben and identified myself with him very much, seeing him die felt like a part of me dying and he deserved a happy ending after years of trauma from abuse he endured

70 280

I have never connected to a character this way before. He is breathtaking and Adam does an amazing job playing him. I would love to see him again in the franchise as Ben Solo!

38 60

La razón principal de mi es hacer un homenaje al personaje creado por Adam Driver.
Fantástico como Kylo Ren e increíble como Ben Solo
Queremos ver más Ben Solo/Adam Driver en Star Wars.

64 260