Today's second Arab character of the day is Kalim Al-Asim from Twisted Wonderland! Scarabia is based on Disney's Aladdin Arabia 🪲

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Jamil as in some of the shots he modeled for because his outfits are low-key the coolest. 😎🐍

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Oh and btw here's a Bungisngis, basically the Philippine version of a Cyclops and the other is the Sarangay, the Philippine version of a Minotaur

The Bungisngis is popular for carrying a carabao and that's when I got the idea of the scarf-like piece around his neck hehe

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I made Scarabia spooky

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My Mutant Ruki and his lil Royal Scarabug, Gobi. I couldn't decide between Mutant and Camo so I was like fuck it he's a Mutant WITH CAMO.

Because I'm still on that Neopets bullshit.

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Forget what I said on the previous tweet.

Scarabolt & Pharadung

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good morning! another neat detail you might have missed: this is a carabao/water buffalo skull that the rich adorn their homes with. the more skulls they have on their houses, the wealthier they are! (back when they were still headhunting, they use human skulls too)

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Puede volar por sus alas, tiene super fuerza; los escarabajos peloteros pueden cargar 1141 veces su peso, y puede hacerse chiquito!

Al entrar en "modo escarabajo" adquiere algunos rasgos del animal. Su marca esta en su antebrazo derecho.

Su casa es la 44 y su club es jardinería

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Les presento a Nicholas "Nacho"!
Su poderes se basan en los escarabajos, mayoritariamente el pelotero, en el siguiente post les diré más a profundidad que puede hacer ^^!

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friend fought for during their rebellion against Decarabian. And in the webtoon, Venti seems to dislike Celestia based on his reactions when someone asks him about it

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Angel Dust (Cinematic "Deadpool"):

Angel Dust, as portrayed by Gibo Carabono in "Deadpool" (2016).

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