Habéis jugado al "ni no kuni"? De la consola Play station 3 :) aquí un fan art que hice del vídeojuego😍 espero OS guste :) pds: followforfollow

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Desde pequeña he disfrutado de los videojuegos de Nintendo y crecí con ellos. He jugado con otras consolas pero Nintendo está siempre en mi corazón. Sobre todo Pokémon y The Legend of Zelda 😍 ¡Feliz !
Créditos a los artistas

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La Vignetta d’Autore di Sergio Staino: la consolazione: ovvero, ci sarà sempre qualcuno che sta peggio di te… ➦https://t.co/2o9wQEfB23

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Almost thought she had a chance at Smash for a second there. Oh well, hope all the Shantae fans out there can find consolation in receiving a lousy drawing from an anonymous webcomic nobody instead.

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Y el Rey Pagano lloro desconsoladamente a su amado amigo Cristiano.

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I forgot it was yesterday, Oh well, Take some Kiki and Priyanka as consolation.

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Heads up to everyone: Imgur's currently having a hard time displaying the pics through smashboards. It should fix itself but feel free to click the icon that shows up instead and you'll be brought directly to the image. Here's more samples as consolation

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20 de Julio de 2018: Se cumplen 6 años del lanzamiento de Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance en Europa, para la consola N3DS. La habilidad flow motion fue una de las cosas innovadoras; además de la visión 3D que aportaba la consola.
¿Que fue lo que más te gustó del juego?

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Not only WX needs consolation, I think WJ needs the reassurance too. His regret for not able to do more 13 years ago. I like it when WX is the one doing the consoling~

And seriously, I love to draw him as the Yiling Patriarch. The hair is so fun to draw~💕

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Love is not consolation. It is light.
— Friedrich Nietzsche

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Aunque ‘Monster Hunter World’ no llegará Switch, Capcom confirma estar trabajando en otro nuevo para la consola https://t.co/vPnwFxKxhA

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GROWTH DRIVE Part 3! Took me far too long to get to work on this one, so I decided to upgrade it as consolation for the long wait 💦

Likes = 1 psi
Retweets = 2 psi
$1 Donation = 4 psi

+610 psi, 1211 psi total!
Donate Here; https://t.co/5qulrvRsMk

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Seems after winning a game of naked twister I gave a consolation prize for losing

Art by

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As a consolation prize, I did KINDA draw a Camera Daddy a while ago?

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I suppose the consolation for the oppressed, struggling, brow beaten slaves who are harvested for their time and energy - the majority of humanity - is that their unethical, oppressors, captors too shall die, and be forced to leave here with no thing https://t.co/sBMeFSZVXP

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"#Mamma mia io sono stufa di fare la filandiera(...)voglio andare in bergamasca a trovar felicità" Un canto popolare, una testimonianza che le madri sono sempre state conforto e consolazione! Che ne dite di una in Vi aspettiamo e, intanto, Auguri

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Y si quedasen últimos, que ni lo creemos, sorteamos este diseño como consolación.
Dabbing Unicorn!


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The people no longer seek consolation in art. But the refined people, the rich, the idlers seek the new, the extraordinary, the extravagant, the scandalous. I have contented these people with all the many bizarre things that come into my head.

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Se ti consola ho lavorato tutto il giorno pure io (e probabilmente pure tutta la sera)

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