Here are our first 2 fantastic drawings to start 💥Orko week in week 33 of The Masters Of Universe Drawing Challenge! ⚔️
(By and respectively)

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So here's my veryfirst entry for the ... Keldor. This is based on my anime style anime style Skeletor redesign which i will share again soon.

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Hey gang! Don’t forget our bonus challenge for the Month of “Movember” (mustache month) is 💥Mustachioed Warriors. Here’s a look at some of the entries we’ve received so far!

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Now begins Week 32 of the Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge. A darker, and quite controversial character. This week our featured character is, the scheming and conniving 💥Keldor
⚔️ Enjoy the challenge!

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Here are four of the recent entries to week 31, 💥Teela Week, at the Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge!

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Here are four awesome contributions to 💥The Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge from ⚔️

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Yes! “Brendan Tobin gifs” & a slew of “The Surly Illustrator’s” work will pop-up. Here is one of (an accompanying Screech is also available). He has other work & is participating in the as well |

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Here's a drawing I did of Teela for this weeks . It's a traditional pen and ink drawing, scanned and then colored in
and lettered using

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Here are our two most recent
💥Teelas submitted to the Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge from and respectively

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Warrior Goddess! My Teela attempt looks a little on the teen angst side 😬

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Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge artist has entered an even 32 entries so far, so we post them here now for your enjoyment, including his latest
💥Ram Man, who was featured in Week 2 of the challenge

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Here are our first powerful entries so far on the first day of 💥Teela Week here at the Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge!⚔️ Great work!

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Happy Movemeber! Here are some of the Mustached Warriors contributed to the Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge so far this 2019!

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For Week 31 of the Masters of the Universe Drawing Challenge we have selected💥Teela, Captain of the Royal Guard at the Palace of Eternos. Teela Week starts Monday!
FYI: Green Goddess will be a separate/future character 😉

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