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Happy International We’re kicking it off with a reminder from artist Tamy Hadeed () to support small business. You’ll earn the eternal gratitude of the local bodega cat, or your small business’s equivalent 😹

Learn more →

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is a Google-led initiative that helps build people's self-promotion skills and make the office a more inclusive space. See their tips to help you become a better ally and advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community →

73 530

Happy Lunar New Year!

Today's celebrates the Year of the Rat and depicts the ancient legend of the race that earned the rat its premier spot in the calendar →

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Googler Stephen Gay, a UX designer on the ads team, recently published a graphic novel focused on effective leadership. His top tip? "Lead with inquiry, instead of advocacy. Ask why."

See more of Stephen's advice for leading high-performing teams →

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To kick off we teamed up with Mexican-American artist Loris Lora to create today’s honoring Ynés Mexía. Her career as a world-renowned botanist bloomed after she discovered a new genus of flowering plants. 🌼

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"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." - Neil Armstrong

Houston, we have a Are you as over the moon about as we are?

31 212

Today's celebrates the life and legacy of Ibn Sina (also known as Avicenna), an influential philosopher and physician during the Islamic Golden Age →

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Right on time for his 325th birthday, today’s honors British clockmaker John Harrison, who created the first marine chronometer to calculate longitude at sea →

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A birthday tinted purple for chemist Sir William Henry Perkin, who discovered “mauveine,” the first synthetic dye →

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Through the eyes of female artists from around the world, today’s commemorates women whose stories are not often heard →

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