画質 高画質

Happy 30th anniversary to Final Fantasy II (IV), originally released in NA for SNES on Nov 23 1991!

If you have never played Final Fantasy before, this is where I recommend you start 🧐

Who is your favorite FFIV character??

12 99

Pop'n TwinBee: Rainbow Bell Adventures es un colorido y estupendo plataformas creado por Konami para SNES. Es un spinoff del shoot 'em up Twinbee. Llegó a Europa, pero lamentablemente fue una versión recortada de la japonesa.

9 46

I've never heard anyone talk about Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, but I remember having so much fun with that game. Top Gear for the SNES was also insanely fun.

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Lemmings 2: The Tribes
Año: 1993
Plataformas: Amiga, Game Boy, Mega Drive, SNES, Atari ST, PC, Acorn Archimedes

1 6


Source: Zero?
Mega Man X2 (SNES) by Capcom

64 313


Souce: Agile
Mega Man X2 (SNES) by Capcom

52 281

Happy 21st Anniversary to the

Here are my recent Gijinka fanart (mostly WIP and doodles) of one of the GOATs on the console.

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Source: Serges
Mega Man X2 (SNES) by Capcom

28 192


Source: Violen
Mega Man X2 (SNES) by Capcom

38 176

Final Fantasy VI (1994, Square) - SNES

Sharp Pixels vs. SNES S-Video via Sony KV-27S42

This is the same TV I first played FF6 on and the softer brush strokes of Terra's portrait immediately feel so right to me.

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Aaand that's it for day 4 outta 7 of the SNES marathon week

Surprised so many still join in to see what whacky games the wheel will spit out but I love trying out new games even if first attempts tend to be clumsy

Thanks for all the fun and I look forward to the rest of it

1 52

【☆よしみる】のオンラインショップ" BOOTH"にて、#メタルスレイダーグローリー 関連の画集、設定集、グッズ等が絶賛販売中です!まだお求めになってないかたは、是非お手元に!


10 37

😊 Chef Kawasaki 😊

Kirby Super Star ( SNES )

2 12


Source: Bowser
Super Mario World (SNES) by Nintendo EAD

371 1641

First appearance: Panel de Pon (SNES)

99 328