ロマンシング サ・ガ2

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Happy 29th Anniversary Final Fantasy VI! The pinnacle of 16 Bit RPGs in terms of story, scope and cast! A must play for any Final Fantasy fan! 😊

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20 years ago today Squaresoft and Enix merged to form Square Enix 😊

Favourite game since the merger?

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Hoy hace 25 años debutaba una joya de Squaresoft para la primera Por desgracia no tiene pinta de que se animen a recuperarla con remake o una nueva entrega, pero por pedir que no quede...

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📅 Tal día como hoy hace VEINTIÚN años, el 28 de marzo de 2002, Squaresoft ponía a la venta en Japón para

Este sería el comienzo de una saga que atraparía nuestros corazones para siempre.

📺 Así nos lo presentaron en el E3 de 2001, ¿os acordáis?:

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28 years... I guess it's only fitting that of all games, in particular gives me this angst at the passage of time

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This week we discuss one our favorite "not-quite-a-Final Fantasy" games: Super Mario RPG! We're joined by (author of Fight, Magic, Items) and discuss the peak of JRPGs in the 16bit-era, and Squaresoft's unique team-up with game giant Nintendo.

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Final Fantasy VIII ~ ファイナルファンタジーVIII (1999)

Developed by Squaresoft.

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Source: Aquagoth
Secret of Evermore (SNES) by Squaresoft

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I made Janice from a bit smuggy.... because I think she's one of my favorite party members you can recruit (and her optional tech is fricking amazing)

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Source: Mini-Taur
Secret of Evermore (SNES) by Squaresoft

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playing Romancing Saga 3 I'm starting to wonder how much Squaresoft artists were relying on pre-rendered 3D by 1995, because some assets just don't look hand pixeled. It's probably a blend of the two.

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Hey Alex, thanks for this share^^!! I think what inspired me to start drawing is 90's anime (yu yu hakusho,medabots pokemon yu gi oh) , Video game art (especially capcom arcade games and 90's squaresoft- enix ones) and manga and comics in general^^

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Para empezar, mis inspiraciones para Nero vienen de sonic y de los protas de squaresoft como cloud y con toques de quote de cave story por que me gustan mucho esos vibes

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Ridell fanart finished from Chrono Cross. Psone Classic. She is just a gorgeous and kind character. So lovely. 💕 Hope you like it!

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Some of the Mario RPG enemies were clearly "Squaresoft employees learning how to 3D model".

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