Jenny advises parents to help their autistic children find "their people." those who share interests, are compassionate and open.

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"I work remotely most of the time so that I am rested and can handle intense sensory situations when they do come up."

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Rebecca Burgess is a talented illustrator and comic artist who works to create beautiful things and increase positive dialogue surrounding important issues.

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"I have been bullied by peers, teachers, and even people who were supposed to take care of me. I think the worst was when my teacher would tie my feet to my chair to keep them still."

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According to Jenny, being autistic has helped her writing because "writing is just a seires of patterns that you mix and match to create new things."

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Jenny Bristol is a freelance writer, author, homeschooling parent and classic nerd. What's a day in her life like?

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"Once you know what is unique about your style, personality, and your perspective about life then you can actually be a trail blazer."

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Just know that if you get me started talking about autism I'm not stopping for a very long time. I can, and have talked about it for hours.

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"Listen to your kids! We all have talents and things we are passionate about. Nurture and encourage those special interests, talents, and passions."

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"We are around you every day. We work with you, we are your customers, we are your service people, we are your teachers, lawyers, and peers." -

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"I often remind young adults on the spectrum that there is always at least one thing that they can do that the people around them can’t do."

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"Autistic" shouldn't be an insult. There are people I've suspected to be autistic but I'm too afraid to tell them because they may be insulted since "autistic" has a long history of being an insult.

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"I’m either an expert at something or I suck at it. There is no in between. If I love something, eventually I’ll probably master it because I won’t stop until I do."

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"I’ve also had people talk down to me as if I can’t understand things. I am the same person I was before we talked about autism or you knew I was autistic."

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I'm so glad that I married such an empathetic person or I'd be so lost when it comes to my own emotions. Thanks to their help I've been able to put words to more and more of my emotions that just confused me in the past.

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