I had to draw a quick character portrait for Bu the Ghost tonight for the bio section in the back of the Book of Kyoot. :) Which btw...I FINIIIIIIISHED. :D :D :D :D omg time to go sleep for 3 days now. 1348

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Mo's getting things done. :) 1336

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Coconut appreciates your concern but the waterwings aren't really necessary. 1333

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Drawing from floofs. ;) 1330

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It's a bold move to bet it all against EL, Coconut...how will the cards fall?? ;) 1328

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Coconut was clearly done with the building phase of the plan. ;) 1323

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I might be working on a new sticker sheet featuring Chef Momocheet. ;) 1320

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'You guys enjoy, I'll just stay dry under my little flower here.' ;) 1317

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Coconut's running late for class. ;) I missed drawing Kitten Uni stuff. :) 1314

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