Did you know termite Queens can live up to 25-30 years!? That is almost as old as me 😳
Termites are social insects and the head of the colony is the queen. The workers take care of the King and the Queen.

Created for: Nature Classrooms

4 50

Black holes don't suck. The intrinsic perspective, 'Why do most popular science books suck?'

1 2

Creature Conserve invites to participate in a workshop aiming to visualise, communicate and collaborate around the theme of the Asian trade. ASTSG member Serene Chng will be co-teaching this workshop: https://t.co/29cp4sqkLJ
by Tom Henderson

7 22

🗓️ 2021/01/02

Dobré ráno! ドブレラーノ / チェコ語

🆕 Day2>beta試験中


0 29

🗓️ 2020/12/26



みなさん よい休日を 🥂

"Baie de Marseille", Paul Cézanne

2 45