The College Dropout

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. 落合彗(おちあい・すい))16歳。不良グループ「Dropouters」の首魁。学校や家庭等への不信から世の規範や常識を憎み、それに反逆した行動を取る。彼女のグループは学校や家庭など社会に居場所がなくグレた子だけでなく脱落した子、差別を受けた子も集まる。照山葉月とは過去、親友だった

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Online shopping is too powerful.

Anime is Gabriel DropOut

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All of my Kanye West alternate album art featuring the Dropout Bear. New Kanye in a little over 24 hours 🌊🌊🌊

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Inspired by Ukami's art of her with her hair down.

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we're having an all bard game soon so I have a drow glamour bard called Elfish Prez-lee. she a college dropout and her accent is john mulaney impersonating mick jagger and i love her 😭👌

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Anime : Gabriel Dropouts


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Re-upload for - Dropout

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✧ 【 Gabriel Tenma icon + header . 】 ✧
— • Gabriel Dropout.
Pixiv ID: 61835775

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DROPOUT!? 44.1kHz/16bit by Saint Snow on

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Personnage : Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell
Anime : Gabriel DropOut

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