画質 高画質


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the whole corridor digital controversy made me want to explore the AI alternative EBSynth. Not really AI, but example based synthesis. I hand painted four drawings in the animation with "california crisis" look in photoshop. Here's an early experimentation

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Universal Dance

It's taken a while to get back into creating things again, but I'm glad to have started.

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3月3日投稿の絵ですが、よく見ると手は左の子、着物の色柄は右の子というチグハグな状態でしたので PhotoShop で修正。当該部分を選択して色相・彩度・明度を変え、花柄を無地に塗り替えました。作業自体はすぐ終わりますが、違和感に気付くことができないと、どうにもならないですね😅

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I don't have the "symmetry" function in Photoshop, so lol ╥﹏╥
What do you think? 💌

Auction for her on my deviantart totiavva

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用了 的線稿跟風玩一人一半上色( •̀ ω •́ )y

【繪圖Time】MedibangPaint Pro(claen) + Photoshop(Fayu) 一人一半大迫人設線稿上色 By 大迫 & 銀鈴 & 非羽

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I stumbled across this the other day, my first ever digital piece of art that I made 5 years ago last month. I used photoshop & a Wacom, two things I’d never used before this drawing. I wanted to share to show that if u keep at something, it does get better

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こちらは納得がいかない顔の猫と V3にオーダーした結果。なるほど?

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I've been getting into Procreate and illustration recently, but I was a Photoshop artist first (4th image). I think I've been creating a lot more since I got my iPad 🎶

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