ลดทุกเล่ม! หนังสือศิลปะจาก PHAIDON และ TASCHEN เวอร์ชั่นภาษาไทย คอศิลปะ นักศึกษาศิลปะ และนักออกแบบไม่ควรพลาดนะ ของมีจำกัดจ้า!
>> https://t.co/gRUtG9ZNb7

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Tutti indossano una maschera, alcuni più costruita e articolata di altri e anche di svariate tipologie. Nel tempo mi sono accorto che la mia è quella dell'allegria/felicità e credo di portarla con una certa abilità. Tuttavia solo noi sappiamo realmente cosa vi ci cela dietro.

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. and i did a collab. The character is the white lion from the zoo in Aschersleben, Germany.
did the sketch and i did the rest. :D ❤️

Want a painting like this? There is a raffle until friday (https://t.co/y1uhLM7ZJx …)

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Almost forgot to post this!
Art payment for Satasche on dA, the second one is a gift for her!

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My first Attack on Artfight!
Character belongs to @/AccursedAsche

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My first four attacks on artfight this year!! >:3c I'm having so much fun!

(users on artfight) Fascher, Kitsunka, Savs-art, CoolDownPage4502

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Nacidos para sufrir.
Aunque no este en su mejor momento, mis respetos a Masche por su entrega y coraje, siempre.

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Para ascherune en dA

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forgot to post this here yesterday!
I finally finished this art payment for satasche on dA!

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Ein kleiner Comic. ( Minecraft Flasche )

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Denkt nicht nur am heutigen daran, euch immer gut einzuschmieren, wenn ihr draußen seid! Mit einem ist nicht zu spaßen!

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Black Sunday (La Maschera del demonio / Mask of the Demon, aka Revenge of the Vampire) (1960, Italy)

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x CulturaCommestibile256 Dice A.Frangioni:"Modello il prossimo parlamentare,per non esporre la faccia la maschera di salvarsi le parti basse i pantaloni di https://t.co/234w0NK5vy

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