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Hm, this game is more than it meets the eye

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A chubby delivery girl in her early 20s, with medium-length brown hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a delivery uniform and a cap, sitting on a park bench and engrossed in playing a game on her smartphone, ignoring her delivery duties, eye-level shot.… https://t.co/4EW5gETxD0

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…というか知ってる人にとってはこちらが通常運転…ってえ?知ってるって??( ³ω³ ) …

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雛菊(デイジー)の名前の由来はdays eye(太陽の瞳)からという説があるので三日月は月と太陽を内包した宇宙のすべてなんだ

3 14

Dude you just admitted it’s fucked up, even with context or not, making fun of her for being the way she is without stopping and trying to understand her character talks about how you use your brain, not insulting you, but sometimes it’s way more than what it meets the eye

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【ebara ponyタグ検証】
hypnosisにおけるタグ、half-closed eyes,sleepy eyes,jitome,one eye closed,なしで検証
sleepyjitomeは効いてる感じがないんでやるならLoRA対応、half-,one eyeは結構しっかり効くのでこれは使える

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Panic when male character has same eye color with the female character drawing TS

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WIP // Dirty look from Mono Eye 😅

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beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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🙈Eye mask Nayuta version.
He can't help himself but laugh.😆

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What’s an eye mask🤣🤣🤣

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What’s a eye mask🤣🤣🤣

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might open fashion polaroid & anime style cell shade comms again next month after my march comms are cleared!

please keep an eye out!

I’ll be taking comms @

Here are some of my past works! i’ll be having portfolio prices to adjust to my current style

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MEET MY FIRST OC RELA! She's a 25 yr old woman who is blind in one eye. Her scars are from getting struck by lightning. Her hair is brown, but she dyes it white/lavender to match her scars. I may never draw her again but this was fun!

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I too would have gay panic when a standing man has his pants zipper within my eye level https://t.co/TiGzAiUTpH

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i was informed by the moira CEO that her left eye is blue so i fixed it, pls don't cancel me

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Laws have lost their purpose in the current system.

Honestly I’m a believer of the “eye for eye” rule.
But well, humans are dumb enough to allow this so what can I say

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