this game and specially these two are just aUGH

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Cave Story robot boi, commissioned from a fellow Cave Story fan. :D

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quote and curly brace

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I missed the Cave Story theme yesterday, so I salvaged Balrog together from some scrap metal!

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One of my favorite games, here’s Quote from Cave Story. For today’s

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"So long as you always maintain a sense of exploration, you will someday find the way out. This is my hope."

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( )【レビュー・評価】レトロなグラフィックとBGMに拘ったインディーズゲームの先駆け!

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I know I already posted one today, but the opportunity was just too perfect to miss. So, here are the lovers from the game that inspired my passion in narrative design, game design, and

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Play I promise it's great.

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