Day 20: Spiral

Kaijune prompts caught me by surprise so no description for today, but look at this spinny lad and all of his spirals

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reviving an old character with a twist! She fUCKI NMG MASSIVE. So yeah this is my submission into I also decided to do a flip on the big city being destroyed trope and made a brazilian rural village instead!

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Day 19: Typhoon

First spotted by a light keeper in the Mediterranean, this Atlantean Automata arose from the depths seeking new sources of food after centuries of pollution ruined it's peoples ecosystem.

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Nyneve and Arthur have known each other ever since they were little kids. Well, 'little' as even kid Nyneve towered over him. As such he's quite used to her antics and scolding her over it, while she's used to pouting her way out of it especially when guilty!

10 50

Going into with a look at Big Mama! An infamous kaiju retired from her destruction days to raise her two kids, Pestania and Junior. Misses her glory days and tries to instill the proper monster values into her kids!

11 25

Holy crap I just realized it's break out all the Kaiju Dayz material! We got shilling to do!

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Day : Spectral PROPERTY

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Day 17: Winged

It took twenty squadrons to shoot it out from the sky. Wounded, it unknowingly led them to its nest, and died just as it arrived. They were met with enormous cracked brass eggshells and a deafening screech...The mother.

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(inspiré par une liste de )
faite passer le mot: matez gamera 3

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