Happy with how this turned out! One of my all time fave wrestlers and wrestling figure of all time... needed to do it justice!

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北川みゆきTheBestSelection 全2巻/北川みゆき

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바나나와 갈치를 함께 먹으면 알 수 없는 화학반응이 일어나나? 학원다녀온 지우 오후 간식으로 바나나 하나먹고 저녁에 갈치구이를 먹더니 마치 웃음버섯을 먹은 것처럼 몇 시간 동안 까르르르 들뜬 기분이 멈추지 않는다. ㅎㅎ

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Darling <3
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\🇭🇷#モドリッチ が初受賞🎖/

2018年 男子最優秀選手はモドリッチに🎉


469 1515

.'s stunning strike against has been voted as the FIFA Goal of the Year. My Latest artwork for

4 32

YES MO!! 🔥👑

's stunning strike against has been voted as the FIFA Goal of the Year.

7032 29165

"What have they done?"

Finally complete, it was a piece that punched back at every turn, but phew... got there in the end :)

69 424

Ok here I go on a retweeting frenzy for 5 mins..........Go, go, go......because you are in what you do!

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A ‘thanksforbeingthebestever’ painting for the marvellous staff at my kids nursery! She started school this week, but I hadn’t shared this.

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Sorry to hear of the passing of legendary actor I did this a couple of years ago as part of a project for .  He was an icon of the seventies and a big star in his day. RIP

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