Omg thank you for @ ing me VIL JKHFSJKDHF

But yes hello!! I've designed VTubers for indies and companies alike <3 Character design is actually my specialty JKFHSD My latest example being ~

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Indies Vtuber本表紙です🐭

263 2245

ただいまPlayStation Storeにて、Days of PlayセールとPlayStation Indiesセールに参加しており、下記3タイトルがセール中でございます。よろしくお願いいたします。
DEEEER Simulator:
Idol Manager:

42 96

I recently redesigned the cover of one of my first novels—Second Chances (2013)—and reformatted the interior. Get it now for the discounted price of $2.99 all Pride long! Link in bio! 🏳️‍🌈

5 19

Seguindo a linha de personagens de jogos indies, the hollow Knight 🫣

7 31

A secret sect sworn to protect humanity. A shadowy evil raises its scaly head. Can a naïve become a before the entire world is destroyed?

28 22

day 5
Still not sure how to do the aesthetic thing so… have some art pieces that kinda sum it up 😅

0 14

🌺#FantasyIndiesApril Day 4🌺

As the youngest of the king's three children, Princess Elizabeth never expected (or wanted) to inherit the throne. In order for her to succeed the king, both her siblings would need to be dead.

She'd rather live in exile than loose her brother.

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MC Fun Fact:

She pretends a lot, so much such that she doesn't know how not to anymore 🥺

MC Favorite music:
Loves listening to Whistling Pine Trees when troubled 😊

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The stories of Sarah Lambert take place partially in the 1980s in Indiana because Indiana always charmed me and looked like such an average, cozy place.

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