(Quick fanart doodle break!)

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On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: 12 rocket launchers, 11 spelling errors, 10 wire cutters, 9 jars of Marmite, 8 hipster beers, 7 arrows flying, 6 hens-a-clucking


4 cricket bats, 3 epipens, 2 leather gloves & a giant Curly Wurly!

15 72

Безудержное веселье генерала Хакса. 2016, 2018 - ничего не меняется))))

9 36

Paintings I did for this year's and lovely story inspired with written by

18 48

On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: 10 wire cutters, 9 jars of Marmite, 8 hipster beers, 7 arrows flying, 6 hens-a-clucking


4 cricket bats, 3 epipens, 2 leather gloves & a giant Curly Wurly!

Only two days left!

8 50

On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: 9 jars of Marmite, 8 hipster beers, 7 arrows flying, 6 hens-a-clucking


4 cricket bats, 3 epipens, 2 leather gloves & a giant Curly Wurly!

Come back tomorrow to see what the 9th day of Abelmas has in store!

8 51

Aren't pants just the worst? Always ripping when you need them most, course that doesn't give you varmits the right to perv out on so begone thot and FECK OFF! but check out dis first cause he made this

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