//=time() ?>
@saikonihai We can't confirm how the question was relayed to him due to lack of clarity, however, Araki's use of chuuseiteki (中性的) here is a common JP phrasing for characters whose appearance go beyond one gender. Given this, he is likely explaining the motivation behind the 2nd Anasui.
Aren't we all glad WenNing was busy erasing the wall and papapa scene happen? well, at least all most papapa
Inspired: Chapter 97
#魔道祖师 #蓝忘机 #蓝湛 #魏婴 #魏无羡 #LanWangJi #lanzhan #WeiWuXian #WeiYing #wenning #ghostgeneral #Modaozushi #mdzs #chibi #chenqingling
When @theholdsteady came out with ‘Heaven is Whenever’ about 10 years ago, Will Coleman introduced title track on radio in way that stuck to my ribs...(paraphrasing) “This song is about, like, whatever the bad things are in your life, if you have time to… https://t.co/N4afsutdkk
he's my baby
I should make this an undress him thing.
I made a video of erasing his clothes. . .
John Tomac
Los Angeles Times
Erasing the Mistake of 2016
#JohnWTomac #LosAngelesTimes #LosAngelesCA #politicalillustration #coolart #digitalart #illustrationartists #dailydesignpick
#Joaniebernsteinartrep #joaniebrep
I just had to share this lovely giant banner commission I got to be a part of thanks to @SenandAya with Shadina and Erasin!
John Tomac (@johnwtomac) created a series of editorial political images focused on the 2020 Presidential Elections for @latimes. Here, he illustrates the act of erasing the mistake of 2016.
@JoanieBrep #SaturdayMotivation #Politics @realDonaldTrump
🌟 MIAM MIAM 🌟2/3
La culture du blé noir se développe à partir du XVIe siècle bien qu'on trouve dès le XIIe siècle des traces de pollen de sarrasin dans des tourbières en Bretagne. La galette est attestée dès le Moyen Âge. Elle se mange à la main ou trempée dans la soupe ...
🌟 MIAM MIAM 🌟1/3
Chez Louis, un air de Bretagne avec crêpes sucrées, bossons fraiches et vin chaud à déguster avec modération 🤤🤤
La crêpe bretonne peut être confectionnée à base de froment (crêpe sucrée) ou de sarrasin (crêpe salée, typique de Basse-Bretagne).
0 effort doodle bc reasons.
(I say 0 effort but I still spent 30 mins doodling and erasing and redoodling this lol )
Mort le 22 octobre 741, Charles Martel, chef militaire & prince des Francs, a fait couler beaucoup d'encre.
Indissociable de la bataille de Poitiers en 732 où il combat l'incursion sarrasine des armées omeyyades, il établit une unité en Gaule & consolide un système féodal franc.
Ok here's what I've got so far drawing and erasing and re-drawing and re-erasing.
What do you think? Are those nice bewbs? I pretend to fix'em up once I start drawing clothes :^)
👻 Don’t spook your pants *but* we are showing A QUIET PLACE at Common on Tuesday 29th October on the big screen. Chat sound, get banged is the moral of this classic modern horror w/ John Krasinski and Emily Blunt. The family must live in silence (chance’d be a fine thing 🤣🤣🤣)
It's been 20 yrs since the Superflat movement & Western writers are still discussing Yoshitomo Nara's work as if it elevates or subverts anime/manga aesthetics rather than simply being a part of them. Funny cos the Superflat Manifesto was explicitly about erasing these divisions!
Speaking of love, VIK was what made me excited about this book. Not only did we get to show a trans character in a positive relationship, but she pursued her life goals and arced without it being about her transition, WITHOUT erasing it. I'm really proud of what we did with her.
Así se verá el Anti-Monitor en el próximo crossover de #CrisisEnTierrasInfinitas