Ges, Cryo applier+healer di timnya Neufreeze tuh mending Charlotte kah? Tapi kok burstnya Dionyan lebih lama ya durasinya 🥲


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*hq Siapa yang kalau udah ngerasa pengen 'nyerah' sama impian... nyari motivasi/inspirasinya dengerin soundtrack Haikyuu? 😣
Biar ketularan semangatnya Tim Gagak

31 282

art! klian klo lagi ga mood gambar biasa cari inpirasiny gimana

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リベレイシング/アロン -LiberaSing Along-(13 edit)が実装されたので、戦場の歌姫チハヤ・キサラギ×反機械化戦線元リーダーキサラギチハヤの漫画です(再)
やっぱ正月🎍と言えばリベレイシング/アロン -LiberaSing Along-(13 edit)だよな

45 131

babu! cw // leaks
kalo dari leaks kit nya, xianyun bisa terbang lebih tinggi dari wanderer dan durasinya lebih lama namun lebih lambat dari wanderer. apakah kalian tertarik untuk pull? 😁

23 551

Menurut kalian berdasarkan art! ini, saturasinya ketinggian ga? Warna di laptop sama di hp bedaaaa 😭😭😭

4 105

Gemes banget nih ilustrasinya buat Jujutsu Kaisen Pop Up Cafe 🥰

2 56

からしさん【@ karasina_kara1】から素敵なアクスタを頂きました〜!✨


1 4

Lately, in the US, I feel like I've been seeing more sentences explaining problems by rephrasing them as challenges in various situations

31 294

Dear Visitors,
Bow to your new mistress and obey her commands! Opera Singer Sangria has your attention now, your dark-cloaked mistress demands your fullest attention and will be available to you soon!

929 6255

If you are disappointed in your drawing speed DONT. CARRY AROUND. A PENCIL. only draw with pens/sharpies! When you draw that arm wrong just stick on post-it and redraw the WHOLE thing. Ctrl-z/erasing every odd stroke is the ENEMY of line confidence.

3050 21030

Being “untouchable” doesnt work well when being covered in space erasing energy beams. Ichigo’s Gran Rey Cero absolutely deleted Yhwach, someone who basically became an indestructible space. Armament Haki makes someone way stronger, but the phrase armament haki cant be beaten

0 2

for your purposes i recommend dry gouache and wet bleed blender. i almost never use textured brushes for precise shading and usually shade with the lineart tool + blur/erasing but to each their own! if you HAVE to use a watercolor use the old version dense watercolor brush

0 1

It happens, but I'm sorry it happened to you!

Personally? It's for 3 reasons: Luthor's lines are paraphrasing his BvS counterpart, Superman shows doubts and human fragility like his BvS counterpart and most importantly the panels show the two different views against Superman

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I just kept erasing their face cuz I didn’t like it and ended up giving up

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warasina Comics


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Edited oficial baizhu art

I tried my best on erasing the Chinese letters to use it as a background, is not perfect but i hope it will be useful to all of you too

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งานจาก Digital painting class.
น้องเป็น นรสิงห์ ครึ่งคนครึ่งเสือ
Work from digital painting class.
She is Norasing, the creature that mixes Tiger+Human.

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I'm ngl I debated erasing him on 6 different occasions he looks like that dumb wolf photo

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