Book lover ✨

It took some time but it's finished! 🌟 maybe I'll change something in the lights and shading tomorrow, but for today I'll take a break and read a book ☕

2 6

Book lover ✨

It's finished, maybe I'll change something in the lights and shading tomorrow ✨

2 5

جديد عن دار الآداب
رواية: العائلة التي ابتلعت رجالها للكاتبة ديمة ونّوس

نساءٌ أسيراتُ التاريخ، يمجِّدنه ويعشن على أعتابه، دونما حاجةٍ إلى الحاضر، ويدافعن بحكاياتهنَّ عن وجودهنَّ القلق الهشّ.

3 17

Eventually, if you live long enough, old enemies become friends.

56 24

That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.📚

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by ry:
Image Caption: "https://www.etsy .com/pl/shop/IgorMorskiGallery"
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