He is Nature Guy, he is a character from author Stephanie McGinnis.
From her book, The Lessons of Magik on Kindle Vella

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When her enemies push her too far, Saeda shows them the meaning of rough seas..!
From author N.R Mayfield, Demi Mondaine Volume II, coming soon...!

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Day 14 of is Relatedly, had a field day with a bunch of hickory nuts we gathered and stored in our garage one year. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Amanda is a CIA analyst who thought she was willing to do anything to get promoted. But when "anything" includes getting Possessed by a demon, she becomes the spy from hell. Story based on N.R Mayfield book.

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Her name is Willow. She is Independent and spirited and she always puts family first.
She is a character from author Megan Franey book, here is the link about the author:

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Kayla: Terrell, cant this thing go any faster...??
Terrell: Just hold on...! Im trying...!
Ramu: I'm tired of you two...!
This scene is based on author Ben Christian book story 🙂

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Courage is the choice you make in the face of adversity. Stay strong and run the course. New week? Here we go!

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