So this is blowing up...

Hi I'm working a stop motion film about paleontology.

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2700 people, hello! Here’s a new piece; Aerotitan sudamericanus, a medium-sized Azhdarchid pterosaur from South America. Wanted to try out different stuff with this one. The pterosaur is drawn only with a low opacity “pencil” brush.

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; leonardo di ser poero da vinci

— areas of interest included invention, drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, paleontology, and cartography.

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Sixteen years later, paleontologists discovered a new species named Gigantoraptor in Inner Mongolia, China. Since Gigantoraptor is a giant oviraptor that could grow as long as 26 feet (8 meters), it isn’t surprising that they laid huge eggs.

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Happy We still don’t know how Radiodonts reproduced, but it probably started (at least in some species) during mass-moulting events, when large numbers of them got together to moult. See fossils of for example. (1/2)

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This tiny theropod has a huge appetite. tiny theropod has a huge appetite.

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I just ordered Thanatotheristes degrootorum vinyl stickers! Show your pride for Canada's new tyrannosaur!! Will be available by the end of the month!

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"Neoepiblema acreensis"

"Small within the largest: brain size and anatomy of the extinct Neoepiblema acreensis, a giant rodent from the Neotropics"
Ferreira J. D. et al.

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Reposted from ustration One of the many careers that I wanted to pursue when I was a kid was to become a paleontologist 🦕 but I reasoned (4th grader logic) that all of the dinosaur bones would be discovered by the time I was a grown-…

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Work in progress on the scales for the Still some patchy areas that need filling in. It's coming together slowly.

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As it's I took a punt at a Pachyrhinosaur...

(apologies to actual / people, for any horrific amateur mistakes I've blundered into - feel free to correct if I've disgraced current finds in some way, I'll bare in mind for future)

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