■10月11日(日)『アイドルプラネット リバイバルライブ Vol.13 1~3部』

■出演/ファンシーフリル、クレイビット、野々宮のの、青空のプラネタリウム、凸凹ヴィーガ、Dream Zone、君が輝ける場所、まじかる★びたみん、池田朱里、H.S.P 他

詳細 ⇒ https://t.co/EoQkL4OPmU

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Team Fortress/Team Fortress 2/Art/Interesting Old Achievement Images/tf_demoman_dominate_three_engineers.png
Found in folder: https://t.co/7xL6hxlrPC

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S.P.I.R.I.T Issue 1, written by Mark Bell and drawn by me! These are leftover copies from the Kickstarter so I have very limited quantities! 24 full colored pages, plus 2 illustrations and a 4 page mini comic.


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Faire pousser un dans le désert ? C'est ce qu'à réussi à faire Gora N’diaye, un agriculteur pas comme les autres.Personne n'y croyait et aujourd'hui il a réussi à créer un potager où pousse légumes et fruits, dans un système de >> https://t.co/UdCGtWB0Y6

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tfw ummm you are vibeo game characters.png

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"M.S.S.Planet (feat. 初音ミク & GUMI)" from "V love 25 -Hearts-" (M.S.S Project)

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xxc says poggers.png was the first thing i drew on this tablet so i think he deserves a post

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■10月11日(日)『アイドルプラネット リバイバルライブ Vol.13 1~3部』

■出演/ファンシーフリル、野々宮のの、青空のプラネタリウム、池田朱里、Dream Zone、日向いちご、H.S.P 他

詳細 ⇒ https://t.co/EoQkL4OPmU

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Counter-Strike/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/Art/CS_SAS.png
Found in folder: https://t.co/LbW42F44s1

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Los Nazgûl se detienen en el oeste, temerosos inicialmente de cruzar un río controlado por los Elfos.Pero cuando empiezan a atravesar la corriente,Elrond libera las aguas del Bruinen,que caen como jinetes al galope,arrastrando piedras y rocas, y arrasando a los enemigos

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You left us with a library of songs for all our lives. The sound of your voice now has travelled from the earth to heaven because God wanted you to sing there. No, you didn't die. You will now continue to sparkle the heaven with your perpetual voice

Rest in Peace S.P. B Garu

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Imma be Honest they would do this. It gives me the same vibe as the Wendy snatch scene from the You Me and MS.P.

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