
ユノ「『核による世界の崩壊を受け、この偉大な国家の再建は貴方の肩にかかってくるかもしれません。 そこで我がVault-Tec社は7つの重要な特性をよりよくご理解頂く為の教材を用意しました。 貴方がS.P.E.C.I.A.L.な存在になる為に…』か……」


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Illustration by Edson Ikê for de S.Paulo on Afrofuturism!

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【作詞】昨日発売Mia REGINAさんのニューアルバム「MIAUSEUM -キュレーション-」M4「S.P.I.N.A」作詞させていただきました。タイトル通り詞もサウンドもかなり尖った曲ですが、なにより歌の表現力に刺されます……🐡

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Quanto mare: mi sveglierò nell’acqua.
Camminerò in eterno, le caviglie
sempre bagnate.


🖌François Boucher S.Pierre tentant de marcher sur les eaux, détail (1766) Cathédrale S.Louis,Versailles

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this ones titled yes.png, reminds me of how I title my things in paint tool sai, to the person who made this I'm also sorry I don't know who you are

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Hello my commissions are open i can draw this.please check your DM.

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Forgot to share my part of this big collab we made
i really enjoyed drawing S.P and also wanted to give them my own touch ngl with those big hands they won my heart and turn into another comfort chara 😳

Btw go and give some more love to this big collab 🥺


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I do Ms.Paint art once in a while. (I use Ibis Paint X to draw.)

These people deserve some love cause their art is e p i c

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MeowgleMaps.purr 🐱

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■9月27日(日)『アイドルプラネット リバイバルライブ Vol.10 1~3部』(各部26名限定)

■出演/イチドル!!、ファンシーフリル、# 匂わせアンリアル、H.S.P、大塚琴子、青空のプラネタリウム、A-NidL、リリ恋ハニー、まじかる★びたみん、Soiree brilliance


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5 years ago today in 2015, South St. Paul history laden Cow Palace - Wakota Ice Arena was approved by S.S.P. City Council to be renamed - home of &

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詳細は画像より。参加希望の方!こちらをRT後、「参加希望」コメントお待ちしています( ´ ▽ ` )ノ⚠️詳細画像必読


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I drew this intending for it to be an discord emote.
If anyone wants to use it for any purpose, feel free!


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I've officially decided to change my username!! frostedmango is now officially... mangopaws.png! I think it suits me better!

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