Obviously the communist manifesto.

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Happy 75th birthday - here's his lifestory in my weekly series back in 2015,

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【祝・10周年!】本日7月24日をもって は10周年を迎えます!これも皆様のご愛顧のおかげでスタッフ一同感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。今後もより一層皆様に満足していただけるよう尽力致しますので、次回バージョンのjubeat festo含めこれからもjubeatシリーズをよろしくお願いします!

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本日7/20から 最新作「jubeat festo」のロケテ開始です!新曲の「ロミとロボの宇宙飛行」を先行プレイできますよ!10周年を迎えた シリーズにご期待下さい! https://t.co/HdLciHJG70

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Charles Sheeler (16 Jul 1883–7 May 1965), American painter & photographer.

"'Self-Portrait' (1923), a conté drawing which represents himself as Dadaist mechanomorph in image of telephone, his manifesto for an impersonal art, one annexing photography’s finish & verism."

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「日光浴室 櫻間中庸遺稿集」ボン書店より 

凸凹書房|The 14th.moon +MANIFESTO GALLERY

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Very privileged to be giving the annual Aylmer Lecture at the Dept of History, University of York, this evening: “Immigration: An English Controversy, 1250-1500”. Tickets all gone, I’m afraid!

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New Wednesday! Read about our friend and her adventure in writing "Weird Me". She will be at as a vendor! Head to the blog to hear how you can join in the fun and reserve a booth. https://t.co/uDfQAlRPvS

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I've seen and even used a lot of bad graphic novels in the past when teaching (Macbeth comes to mind), but this steampunkish adaptation of the Communist Manifesto by cartoonist Martin Rowson looks INCREDIBLE.

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Rendez-vous ce vendredi 4 mai sur la chaîne pour fêter les 1 AN de stream ! Merci encore de me soutenir, faisons en sorte de festoyer en bonne et due forme 😍

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Giorgio Cavazzano è ospite a con un'incredibile sorpresa: in occasione della XX edizione del Salone ha disegnato una magnifica variant cover di ispirata al manifesto del Magister Lorenzo Mattotti.

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あやふやメモ③Luv Manifesto

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...indovinate chi ha realizzato il manifesto (e gli allestimenti interni) dell'edizione di quest'anno di Cartoons On The Bay?

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Happy 85th birthday to the great Michael Caine! Here's his lifestory in my Biographic series back in 2015.

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Ogni anno concede a un giornale la pubblicazione esclusiva del suo manifesto ufficiale

Lo scorso anno ha sconsideratamente scelto Repubblica; quest'anno ha provato a rimediare scegliendo la testata italiana più autorevole in assoluto: noi.


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hi 👋🏻 i'm giving away tickets to dancefestopia to a lucky winner + a friend!!

rt & follow me to enter ✨

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Here's a of the illustration by soon to be featured in our released in April. So gooood ❤️️

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