...ecco qui il manifesto che ho realizzato per il
Ovviamente sarò anche io presente all'evento (per questo sto a dieta, ho grosse aspettative da parte degli amici di Trapani).

Ci vediamo lì

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in my opinion this is the most scary character in Star Wars
(Thanks for giving me the chance to draw him!)
Colors by the awesome

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...only a few more days to buy the delicate and intimate second chapter of 3KEYS before the third issue hits the shelves of your favorite comic shop!

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È con immenso orgoglio che posso dire che la copertina del quinto album del Muro del canto l'ho disegnata io.

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...but how awesome are Marshal Buck Vançto and Khel, the characters I created for Han Solo & Chewbacca's series, drawn by ?
I love them so much!

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Amination test of Dagon' spawn creatures from 3keys, by

We are at work on something really really cool...

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Enfin, mon volume 3keys for sortira en France demain. Mes poignets tremblent un peu, je dois dire...

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Per info sul workshop sui copic della Scuola Internazionale di Comics di Roma in collaborazione con Copic Marker, cliccate qui:


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E venne il giorno.
Da oggi sullo store https://t.co/zAZYWtPwTI è disponibile il mio primo lavoro da autore (quasi) completo.
Con me ai colori Alessandra Alexakis.

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WIP of the cover of my creator owned book. Part-II: different colored version and the final one with the logo.

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WIP of the cover of my creator owned book. Part-I: from the layouts to the black and white (with greytones) version.

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