To put that into perspective, the largest-recorded African ever was 13ft tall at the shoulder and weighed 11.5 short tons.

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Loganellia, a jawless thelodont w/ a square body & distinctive covering of spiny scales (that I prolly made too large). Gave it a coloration befitting its likely habitat of shallow coastal waters or reefs.

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It was about 21-23 feet long, and unlike its living counterpart had a pronounced snout rather than a gigantic battering ram head. Loved adding the scratches/scars, I think it really brings it to life.

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I used the skeletal provided by the beautifully comprehensive paper by Asier Larramendi. It has such a tall skull and nearly-vertical forehead. I gave it green eyes, maybe as a recessive trait?

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Late night thoughts: if the BatCave had space for a stem-elephant, Alfred might’ve spent his days shoveling this Gomphotherium’s dung 🤭🤧🐘💩👴🏻

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Finished Cotylorhynchus!!! Gave this Early Permian synapsid some cornified pads on the skin to help it dig/burrow, which is what it likely did with those action figure forelimbs it's got.

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1853 Sea Urchin Antique Fossil XL chart print. Echinoid Sea life Marine Paleontology Vintage Illustration Nautical Coastal Wall Art Decor

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Until I actually work up the motivation to fix it up in Photoshop, the portrait will have to do

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1853 Sea Urchin Antique Fossil XL chart print. Echinoid Sea life Marine Paleontology Vintage Illustration Nautical Coastal Wall Art Decor

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1853 Sea Urchin Antique Fossil XL chart print. Echinoid Sea life Marine Paleontology Vintage Illustration Nautical Coastal Wall Art Decor

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1908 Antique SHARK print, Prehistoric Skeleton illustration Paleontology Wall Art.

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I loved working on this! Another and more from Dr. Bonyfide’s Know Your Dinosaur: Velociraptor Edition! Special thanks to the awesome team!

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Happy to announce some of the I have been working on for the Know your Dinosaur: Velociraptor Edition!

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Happy James Parkinson, the 1st to describe "paralysis agitans" (later renamed Parkinson's disease), had an avid interest in Explore his "Organic Remains of a Former World" (2nd Ed. 1833) in via :

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