It hasn't ended yet right?
"Blue suits you well, daozhang..."

Also won't forget

91 209

Artist : 弱亡蓝洞 (
Translation: You make a flower circle, I'll wear it
Posted with permission of the artist.

94 248

Happy !
Here comes flowers and pain~

Hanahaki byou!AU

Datura - "Deseption" / "I will never forget you"

Lichen - "Loneliness"

Precious Artist:

21 52

Full Picture link :
Artist : 九月秋-Yu (
Translation :
I used to yearn for the gentle breeze
"DaoZhang, here's a flower for you, do you want it?"

17 45

turns out, I do have a type and it's sociopaths with a tragic backstory. Step by step gif in the thread

243 541

Chibi Xue Yang !!! Based on his audio drama art outfit with Jin Guangyao c:

1 5

DaoZhang and his Black Kitty YangYang~

Artist: 45XD (

⛔️Posted with the artist's permission. Please do not repost.

86 196

Artist: 竹霄 (
Do check out her works on Lofter! She drew this amazing mermaid AU XueXiao that is pure love~

⛔️Translated with the artist's permission. Please do not repost.

29 59

here is the drama illustration version heheh

4 4

Original!Xue Yang vs. Modern!Xue Yang 🔥

Translated with the artist's permission. Please do not repost. Support the artist here: :
Large size image:

66 138

薛🐏 薛成美现代paro-小混混、情报商(临也的影子😂)常在漫画店免费看漫画。唯一知道瑶妹是间谍的人
XueYang,XueChengMei modern AU. Gangster,Information Vendor(sounds like Orihara Izaya😂)likes to go to manga shop and read free manga. The only person who knows MengYao is Spy.

461 1528

Yang Yanggg~~ 😘
He's so cute when he said that.😍
I just found out theres more to listen to today.

69 220

Wwwww Wei Ying no.1 fan ❤
Halp// I keep adding more character to my sticker set,how am I gonna finish it. Hope you like this 😅

145 356

Sometimes you just wish that you were truly blind

264 565