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この度、NovelLive所属の雨雷るい様( )の立ち絵のお仕立てをさせていただきました!💐✨


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Hi! I'm Natsu and I'm a Japanese artist! I work without generating AI.
I draw illustrations for music videos and covers for Novella. I also design Vtubers .
I’m always looking for more freelance/work opportunities !

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I am a fulltime software engineer in the AAA game industry, and I also am a freelance illustrator for v-tubers, web novels, and games.
(I enjoy doing both💻🖌️)

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Commission painting
For the cover of a novel, from web novel
Copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited

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TW: (lots of) blood

“Will you please take me home?”

(Alt text contains context for the line “do they think I’m still living?” It’s like half google translate half what I interpreted from the novel so please take it with a pinch of salt)

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Kdj has had a favorite fantasy novel for many years, and he realized that his classmate resembles with the main character in the book.
So Kdj imagined the classmate's face while reading a book and slowly began to realize he has a crush on him

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