thank you so much for liking my john constantine art! as for token of my gratitude, I doodled zatanna as well😆😆

60 119

shade the changing man / john constantine . h

11 18

Angel & Angel & Angel 👼👼👼

338 1248

Devil Summoner
Phantom Stranger
John Constantine, The Hellblazer
Veitch/Edward's The Question, Urban Shaman

0 1

John Constantine: Hellblazer Returns as Ongoing Black Label Series

32 129

I finally got to work on Mathilda!! She's Helena's daughter and Constantine's younger twin sister ovo ❤️❤️❤️

1 17

Is it me or is Karl Urban the perfect choice to play Constantine?

70 430

(Australian Sea-lion, from John Gould's "Mammals of Australia" 1863, illustrated by Henry Constantine Richter) via

10 24

John Constantine, Hellblazer.

Colour by , as always. LOVE the painterly quality here. Such a versatile talent. You should treat yourself to their skills next time you need a cover to impress.

2 13

Dark Annual hace un buen trabajo estableciendo la dinámica de los personajes, en particular con y
¡Descubre más en el cómic de la semana! 🧐


1 3

Ya terminé Rise of the Tomb Raider y sólo tengo una duda.... Si debía matar a Constantine, verdad? Si no pues... Oops. Por cierto, me cayó muy bien Jesús, muy buen compa el hombre

1 5

RJ’s 10 second Comic Review
Comic:Justice League Dark (#DC)
Rating in current year quality: 5/10
Rating in a healthy industry: 4/10
Story: 4/10
Art: 4/10
Price:$ 3. 99

0 1

Piero della Francesca - Vision of Constantine - 1452/66

17 76