What are the qualifications for the job of God? https://t.co/14X64as9fg Does meet them? Is Consciousness—or vice versa? Are we all just part of God's mind? Some interesting for

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The totem is used by many indigenous cultures in ceremonies to conjure up the animal spirits... which bring good fortune and protection

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Edgar Casey prophesized that the Atlanteans had used crystal energy in worldly as well as for spiritual purposes. True free energy!

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Exploring….can boardgaming church really work 1: video games and spirituality! https://t.co/to3hwqW6Ee

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Open call for CULTURE CURRY Residency, India 2019
> Deadline: November 30th, 2018

Explore the art, culture and spirituality of India with a global Curator https://t.co/ZJmocVZbds

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We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." ♥ ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

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Comment down below a situation you're struggling with, and I'll try my best to help. ✨😊

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Let your spirit sublimate with the ebbs and flows of Mother Nature. It will not lead you astray.

Meditate through art for 10 minutes.

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When you are spiritually in the right place, life begins to flow in the direction of your desire.
# Spirituality

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People say there is no true love, because they do not want to believe it. If you believe it the one will come and you will deepen your love each other even though no one understand your love.

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