
29 40

All great things must come to an end. Join us for the epic end of 14 yrs of cinematic history

895 1087

charcoal fan art of Fili and Kili What do you think?

0 0

"Thorin Oakenshield, leader of the Company" by Brooks

3 8

Everyone is in awe of Sir Ian McKellen even Peter Jackson and Martin Freeman

12 24

The Battle of the Five Armies Premiere stream is live! Tune in now: http://t.co/rX43t1GpgV

533 704

Witness the end of an era! Join us w/ WORLD Premiere stream at 5:15pm. http://t.co/rX43t1GpgV

221 256

"This was the last move in a master plan, a plan long in the making" - Gandalf ()

64 99

Don't miss the EPIC finale! The Battle of the Five Armies, Dec 12. http://t.co/Ks1spGuacr

293 364

Like the journey continues!
Issue - Page 25 [English Version]

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