iLLness LiLinのレイシス

2 7

iLLness LiLin

567 1046

iLLness LiLin配信記念 恐らく再掲

12 26

春風が心地良い季節となりましたが皆様いかがお過ごしでしょうか。さて本日より『iLLness LiLin』配信されました。採用者コメントも掲載されたようですので合わせてご覧下さい。選曲して頂けると嬉しいのですが、天候不順の時節柄、何卒ご自愛専一にお願い申し上げます。

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147 304

illness lilinのパイレーツな2人を描きました!配信が楽しみ~!

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iLLness LiLin

303 556

Still working on the colours of these strange trees and on Lilina's clothing. Flat colours so far.

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in my fe7 copy i always pair off lyn w/ hector and ninian w/ eliwood. it's fun (and also sad) to imagine lilina and roy with their moms

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Precious children picking Priphea flowers!<3 No, it's not Lilina n Roy but Lufia The Fortress of Doom characters!!xD //WIP

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The 6th KAC 天国iLLnessへHE4VEN~ようLiLinこそ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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『iLLness LiLin』

1332 2044

someone had this idea of hector meeting lilina aND I HAD TO DRAW IT

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KACの感動を忘れないうちに iLLness LiLin

49 95

Lilina making her way through some overgrowth. :) Sketch for Recollection City.

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