¡Una de lunas y estrellas! Gracias por votar en la encuesta de ayer 💙💛

[#StarVsTheForcesOfEvil ]

6 30

Happy Today we're revealing the 7 of Disks from 's Time to focus your energy and invest in things that will bring not quick wins, but long-term rewards...

3 8

War of the Monsters pt.2! 🔥#MonsterHunter
•1. Deviljho vs. Bazelgeuse vs. Furious Rajang
•2. Teostra & Lunastra vs. Crimson Fatalis
•3. Chameleos vs. Vaal Hazak
"#fanart: 逹雞腰子 [pixiv]"

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68 304


17 125

It's and we're revealing The Hanged One from 's

This is a card of surrender and sacrifice - perhaps it's time to let go of something...


2 9

【LUNA SEA*1992】

121 455

Been feeling that Lunastra mood 👑

10 31


50 145

Human Lunastra to go along with the Teostra one. Such fantastic art by a fantastically talented viewer!

10 77

TENBOはLUNA SEAのギタリスト&ヴァイオリニストSUGIZOさんの衣装を担当させていただきました。5月29日 LUNA SEA結成29年目の節目となる日本武道館公演の衣装。

Photo by Keiko Tanabe

797 1588

Chill Friday streaming Monster Hunter World here: https://t.co/sQjDvNksO8 I finally get to try hunting Lunastra this week! Late to the party but always ready for those ...cool dranks.

1 16

Y'know who's cool? Lunastra.

Y'know what's cooler? Lunastra & Teostra bond

Y'know what's the coolest? Fighting just Lunastra. And having NO OTHER MONSTER/DRAGON COME IN.

(I love Elder Dragons interacting with each other, but her abilities + the environment make it annoying.)

0 1

Yay so excited for Lunastra! Old 2016 speed paint

1 5

Guys, I need you! Lunastra is coming to Monster Hunter World as you may know and my boyfriend has no way to get the monthly internet to fight her with me, so...
Help me please!
One special CM slot for 9€ with this style + shadows, you WILL have it today done! Please help 😭

12 25

Merci à la jolie Lunasith (insta 📷) qui a accepté que je fasse une illustration d’après une de ses photos 💙

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