NO.15 来自中国的插画师 微博 : 猫饼猫病
Illustrator from China twi:@猫饼猫病

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NO.14 来自中国的插画师 微博 : 陸文銅錢
Illustrator from China twi:

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NO.13 来自中国的插画师 微博 : 不提供
Illustrator from China twi:

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NO.11 来自中国的插画师 微博 : 勒拿
Illustrator from China twi:

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NO.10 来自中国的插画师 微博 : 蛇棄棄
Illustrator from China weibo:蛇棄棄

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NO.9 来自中国的插画师 微博 :山野yuri
Illustrator from China @山野yuri

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NO.8 来自中国的插画师 微博 : art_celll
Illustrator from China ins:art_celll

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NO.6 来自中国的插画师 微博 : 啊旁白
Illustrator from China Weibo account: 啊旁白

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NO.5 来自中国的插画师 微博 : _Sanatorium_
Illustrator from China

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For me, this is the first time I have made both shaders and illustrations for the same character. Now I can call myself a character illustrator.😊

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Hello, I'm Xiaoba. I'm an illustration. Nice to meet you!!

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Does anyone else see the makings of Disney’s next animation in 插画师 素一’s work? 😍 Sadly I don’t have a link for her bio this time. 😔

Now I really want to translate a novel with these characters. Check out Chinese web serials through my site for what I’m talking about!

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这里是插画师四四 不请自来抓个活动的尾巴 感谢 大大的活动,打扰了。
本人是画风不稳定画手,擅长插画和漫画,现在正在努力学习mg动画。同人很少画,大多是idol相关。画图速度比较慢,争取日更中。现在正在创作《Be a Gentleman》系列插画,欢迎大家来找我玩。

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