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1992年、前身の5人グループBad Breath結成、そのごメンバーチェンジを経てMovaizhaleine に。現在はデュオ


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Game Disappointments 😞

'Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge' Gremlin Graphics (1992) 🏎️

'RECS' was short for '(sounds) Really Exciting (but) Completely Sh*t' 😖👎

Should have included a microscope instead to read the text in the advert! 🔬🦮👨‍🦯😵

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1992/3/7『美少女戦士セーラームーン』放映開始日。30周年を超えたセーラームーン。40年、50年もあと少し? ファンの声援は永遠なり…。#今日は何の日

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バットマン リターンズ (1992)


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今日は何の日? 1992年3月6日は  版  の発売日でした。バカゲーと言われていたけど評判良かったんだよねコレ😊主人公の大鳥居マニアと相棒の羽田マリアの名前になぜだかセガ愛を感じたのは僕だけじゃないはず😉

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Sybil Andrews (1898-1992)

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“Alfred Joseph Casson (1898–1992)”

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Say hello to (1940–1992), our extraordinary woman of the day! After living in Japan for two years, this author, journalist, and translator moved to in 1973 and stayed until 1977. Angela wrote and The Sadeian Woman.

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Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, 1992. LucasArts.

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1992 Jamps couldn't defeat Darkman IV and I was told that I NEED to get Beat to BEAT him! So In my mind Beat was this ultra-powerful robot guy. It wasn't until years later I found out Beat was a bird. Anyway, it looks like Kid Jamps drew something in Beat's hand so... microphone?

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Curro the mascot of World Expo 1992

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“You know what I said
about the rumba...
and it being pretend?
I think I made a mistake.”

Strictly Ballroom (1992) is a national treasure so i put into one of my favourite scenes after watching it before dinner

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Wanda has appeared in several Avengers and X-Men animations over the years such as Marvel Super Heroes (1966), X-Men: The Animated Series (1992), Avengers: United They Stand (1999), X-Men: Evolution (2000), Wolverine and the X-Men (2009) and Marvel Super Hero Squad (2009).

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Base of the 1985 book & the 1992 tv series Halfway Across the Galaxy and Turn Left

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I still cant be beaten by young punks. (Aero Fighters, Tecmo, Arcade, 1992)

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