Don't really get crushes but this fan art series of Zed without his mask got me like 😍😍😍 since 2014

(incredible art: )

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I wanted to join the wagon too. was Link. Now that I'm a very grown up girl my crush in TLOZ is Ganondorf 💁

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yall don’t know how HARD I went for harvest moon back in the day

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Well, redoing this in another post.
- Mirage from Aladdin tv series.
- Peko Pekoyama from Danganronpa. ( I know it's a game but shush. )
- Princess Zelda from LoZ.

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Tifa Lockhart from FFVII. I was mad about this girl when I was younger. ❤️

Gorgeous artwork by

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Daphne from Scooby-Doo
Pauline from Donkey Kong
Amy Mizuno from Sailor Moon

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That honor belongs to Krystal from Star Fox Adventures/Assault without question. Although Rouge was a close second.

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thanks for giving me an excuse to finish this artwork 👀💦

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I like both RSE and ORAS designs. But I think I'll always have a thing for RSE May. It's cute and simple. :D

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Regardless of gender or sexual orientation, how was anybody's NOT Link?

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Uhhh pretty sure it was one of these guys 👀💦

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Pia's been my waifu since 4th grade y'all

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