Happy Thanksgiving everyone, be careful who invites you over for dinner. It could get messy!

What are you guys thankful for?
I'm thankful for boolean algebra

13 78

Here is the simple process behind these mushrooms using ArrayMesh, Live Booleans and custom VDMs in

9 67

Cuber is an add-on designed to greatly improve the use of boolean operation for modeling inside edit mode. https://t.co/jvtJSmBzGt

0 3

LightBoxのBooleanにComputerCaseFanなるものがあったので開いてみたら円柱が出てきました( ˙ө˙) これ?と思いながらLiveBooleanを押してみたらこの機能の凄さを再認識しましたm(_ _)m

4 22

Lean into the by only at powered by . Last day to experience art like never before.

1 7

Metroid fan art block in. Gonna use this to practice some of the live boolean features in ZBrush.

5 76