//=time() ?>
@Minty_2022 yeah rn its these two separate objects that i want to merge, boolean unite makes it look like the pic on the right
Decided to add #annotations before #postprocessing. Potential fixes or things I have to be careful with when i start boolean things together.
Anyone else?
#blender3d #b3d #sculpting #resinprinting #pirates #fantasy #loot #animals #redpanda #art #3d #3dart
Cleaning up your vectors before animating in @rive_app is important. Make sure to do all your boolean operations and not have excess vertices before importing to achieve the smallest possible .riv file and smooth animations. I expect this one to end up at around 15-25kb.
it's wild to me that rhino can handle boolean operations on parametric solids so well
it's terrifying and really cool and it seems like such a challenge to code a tool that lets you do all this
The base of the shroud on the MG34 is officially 'complicated' though I think I'm out of the woods. Ideally I would model this all with Boolean operations but I ended up doing a combo of that and box modeling. Cleanup shouldn't be terrible
hammer modelled, using boolean screwed up my topology but since this is just for a mod i do not care
It's only a coincidence that the boolean object I'm gonna use to open his mouth looks like a big piece of bacon.
robustness of Houdini boolean still surprises me, beveled objects with hundreds of operations in for loop, couple seconds of cooking
messing around studying making shapes with subD workflow. Definitely liking modelling like this more than using booleans
Animal Mecha
Another personal project done. Inspiration from an image I saw on Pinterest.
Trying to draw out so much information from just one image was tasking.
I used alot of Mirror modifiers on this one.
Boolean modifiers.
Some emission and volumetric for the flame effect.
For these cases, I create a plane and start "tracing" the area where I planed the cut. Then use a boolean operator to split the models.
Zbrushでの分割方法。Plane3D 追加。両面ポリゴン表示。必要に応じて面の分割。Moveなどで切断ラインに合わせる。Extractでそれぞれの方向に厚み付け。Booleanで切断。Splitでパーツ分割して不要部を削除。どんな曲面でも思い通りに分割可能。今回は手袋の親指周辺の縫い目に合わせることにする。