Paul Cézanne, Portrait of Cézanne, c. 1898–1900

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Il 1998 tre uomini armati rubano, alla Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Roma, due tele di e un Il furto di valore inestimabile rappresenta un grave danno al patrimonio artistico italiano ed è il più eclatante degli ultimi 20 anni. Verranno ritrovate il 6/7.

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Paul Cézanne Forêt. 1890

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. 『セザンヌとセザール」』
(Cézanne and César.")

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Le Cabanon de Jourdan, 1906
🎨 Paul Cézanne (1839 - 1906)

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As Cézanne aged, his paintings became filled by naked canvas, what he eloquently called nonfinito. No one had ever done this before. The painting was clearly incomplete. Following cezanne’s inspiration, in his last oil painting ‘large red interior’, Matisse leaves aspects bare.

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Twenty-two paintings by Paul Cézanne that have never before been seen in the UK will go on show at Tate Modern in the autumn, in an exhibition of around 80 selected works from collections in Europe, Asia, North and South America...

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Woman in a Green Hat (Madame Cezanne)
-1895, Paul Cézanne

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La vita è molto più semplice, non merita riflessioni tormentate. E mi pareva di vederlo mentre sorrideva amaramente, voltandosi a guardare colui che era stato
Ivan Alekseevic Bunin
Buona serata


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파과 명화 시리즈 :: Paul Cézanne - The Basket of Apples

세로 6, 가로 8cm~

12 48

Cézanne - Nature Morte avec Faience Italienne 1873-74

9 36