LFGGGG welcome to the Acrocalypse sir 🐊🐊

0 21

The many faces of Acrocanthosaurus

11 66

1. Acrocathosaurus
2. Maip
3. Deinocheirus
4. Pachyrhinosaurus

0 3

아마 레트로 게임 아시는 분들은 이거 보면 무릎을 탁 치며 '아 그 게임' 하실 듯한 이 게임, 99년에 Microcabin이 제작하고 삼성전자가 국내유통한 '마리오넷 컴퍼니'입니다.

국내에서는 이 게임이 다른 의미로 유명한데...

4 3

Acrocanthosaurus has been revamped!

22 224

🚀Crazy! Sweep the floor!🔥LATEST!!!
Continue buy
Bought 6. Average 0.73 ETH($2065.16).
Holding now 50💎. LFG. 🚀🌕 https://t.co/5RB8Ia1008

12 35

My crocs are SO eager to get in their shiny new ships, go to picante ruins and farm their scaly asses off for this precious $paper!

Who else is excited about reveal tonight? Any 🐊's out there?


16 69

in light of and being announced and released I decided I ought to make some mock documentary stills, referencing the game's Acrocanthosaurus.

Making things like this makes me so happy.

9 37

tengo las puntas del pelo re CROCANTES y encima las sigo teniendo rubias sintiendome como estas reinas ahora mismo

0 11

Comment or note me to claim!
Top left to bottom right
1. Pastel plush (20)
2. Chocolate rainbow sprinkle (20)
3. Accessories are everything (15)
4. Lemon grape gummy (25)
5. Watermelon metallic tail (15)
6. Yolk adjacent (15)
7. Ice prince (15)
8. Strawberry milk (15)

1 1

5.7 (土) 17:00-
DOOR ¥2000

moemiki × KΣITO
Shohei Magaino



6 8

What's happening in the Acrocalypse ???
Did we just found out about our ennemies ? 👀

What do you think crocs ? 🐊🛸

s/o for the investigation

9 36

Acrocanthosaurus is the best dinosaur in the Jurassic World series! Look at this chonker! They so big! Love the chubby! Chubby -wubby dino!

1 5