I'm just gonna start a thread of design changes on my favorite characters in FEH. First up is Brunnya, her design aged really well and I love it.

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(I'm just browsing old TCG material now)

Wondering why 3 of these fine folks are still missing in FEH.

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My beautiful summoner Leitz with her bunny costume and... And Feh. 💜

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I Will implode if they ever get into feh......

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Ok you know what that's fair, my fave wolf boy in feh............so far

generic wolfskin npc in feh when? 😤

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I love Daisuke Izuka's special art effects. I hope he gets to draw a lot more characters in FEH. He's done only Archanea, Tellius, and Heroes characters so far so I think it'd be cool to see him do other games. But if he does L!Caeda or L!Elincia that'd be great too.

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You know what's funny? Morgan was released only a matter of months before IS stopped doing Awakening alts nearly altogether, so despite them being...you know....MORGAN, there's yet to be a Morgan alt in FEH.

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1. fcorrin/tiki!! they're paired up in my feh... i love the idea of corrin growing close to another manakete + they grew on me (cheating a bit here by using a concept from feh week that i didn't finish)

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Leona, if she was in FEH.

FEH Sprite:
Skill Set and Stats: Jerd (Discord)

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Woooo Marianne brought home the gold for the choose your legends event in FEH. That happened about a month ago... that I may or may not have been afk for. But hey we got gatekeeper too! It’s both amazing and hilarious.

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Hi, thanks for the share ;w;/ I'm Sakuya, I draw lots of OCs and occasional fan art for FEH. Always down to make more friends ✨

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drew Shalem in Eldgian's resplendent outfit from Feh. Simplified it a bit but. main parts still there!

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post for spanish readers:

El episodio 164 ha sido el último traducido por mi parte. Les agradezco muchísimo el apoyo que me han mostrado en el RT previo donde se anunció el lanzamiento oficial de la versión en español del manga de FEH.

Fue un largo viaje de 3 años. :)

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Decided to draw some fanart for Marianne.
Congrats to Marianne for winning 1st for the Female Division for FEH. Actually hyped and can't wait to see her in the game!

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I'm proud of my boy Sety, he manage to beat some good characters from the same game. I hope he gets just a little love from feh. That's all, thanks to the people who give him at least one vote, it is a lot to me.

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Seiros ~ Fire Emblem Heroes

An older, parchment aesthetic. Units that you would normally never recruit in their game of origin, like Altina, have become my favorites in FEH.👀

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'Girl on the Throne' Sothis from FE3H or feh.

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Thank you for making this awesome art featuring some of my favorite characters from I can't wait to get the stuff I need to add it to my wall of Fire Emblem art. Also thanks to and Heather Hogan for voicing these characters.

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after seeing shirtless eijun. I had the extreme urge to give him Kris' costume from feh. *gathers all the thrist in goku's energy ball pose"

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I like Kris' default pose in this alt. it's very unique compared to other heroes in FEH.

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