🌼 It’s Darkest Right Before the Sun 🍓

A commission for my good friend of our warrior cat ocs, Batberry(his, the darker furred) and Gorsetalon (mine, the white patched)

I had a lot of fun with this one!

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Designs for Gorse Fur/star and Wind Runner/star! One of the best power couples hell Yeah

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Testing out the new Procreate brush engine with...

More Nabriales.

Times I have painted Emet-Selch: 0
Times I have painted Nabriales: 3

Gorse, what are you doing

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Govilon and The Blorenge from Sugarloaf
Painted from another favourite spot I always like the the way the farmed green fields hang in the side of the mountains before giving way to the bracken, gorse and heather on the top.

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I need to like... post here more so why not start with posting my littlecloud bot cats! From left to right Tanglekit(big) Lightningkit(small), Breezewish, Brokenkit, Lynxkit, Oatkit, Otterkit, Flamepaw, Beetlekit, Flamepaw, Icekit, Tumblekit and Gorsekit. Please Help Me.

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We have LOVED revealing and sharing our next text off the Autumn Bookshelf and golly was it greatly received by today ! We 💗 Stick Man by Julia Donaldson and all joined in during story time

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13. Are any of your ocs parents???

ACTUALLY i have quite a few ocs that r parents :O!!! ESPECIALLY in season change -- one of the most prominent ones/big plot related ones being gorsefang B)

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Llangors Lake from Llangasty
Almost Plein Air
Started on a very hot day last month but had to finish it in the studio after being engulfed by midges

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She put on her holiday dress, the smoke grey of the September sea, & the girls put on their smocks, & they walked along the shingle for a while, then up through the gorse to the brambles on the cliff, where they filled their pails & baskets with sweet, ripe blackberries for tea.

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Hey lads! I'm a bit bored so maybe ask me questions about my kits?
Art by
Dr. Reddo

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ALL WINDCLAN CATS! theres Barkface Whitetail Onewhisker Ashfoot Eaglekit Tallstar and bottom row is Gorsekit Morningflower Runningbrook Webfoot Mudclaw and Deadfoot

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I have two cats here!!! I need to upload gorsepuddle to artfight tho :0 I’m nightmare!

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oh here's the actual picture i was trying to find for the 'after'

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Tallstar's foster son, Gorsepaw!
This baby deserved better.

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lesbian graypool and nonbinary lesbian gorsetail! gorsetails yellow accents are taken directly from a gorse flower :3

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Some pride icons!
Lesbian, ace Mousefur
Bi Princess
Trans, gay Longtail
Nb, bi and aro Gorsepaw!

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The cat and the sea
By Ronald Stuart Thomas

It is a matter of a black cat
On a bare cliff top in March
Whose eyes anticipate
The gorse petals;

The formal equation of
A domestic purr
With the cold interiors
Of the sea's mirror.

Art by Veronica Minozzi

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